Since phytotherapy is not covered by health insurance, you need to tell your doctor that you want to use this option.
Another option is to seek advice from one of the doctors who have experience with this therapy in our section “Medical advice” where you can also choose according to your place of residence or specialty.
Basically, no. You can find out more in the link of our website “What are phytopharmaceuticals”. In any case, it is important that the sick patient is under the supervision of a doctor, and this is of course also the case when taking phytotherapy.
Yes, many phytopharmaceuticals can be taken permanently. Of course, in terms of prevention, the dosage is several times lower than in therapy.
Only very rarely. In these cases, consultation with a specialist is needed.
In these patients, before taking any medication, and in this case also phytopharmaceuticals, it is important to consult the attending physician who will decide on the possibility of complementary medicine.
Yes, in this case it is advisable to take phytopharmaceuticals from the time of the transplant.
The most effective Aloe is Aloe Barbadensis Miller. The most effective ones are the so-called Aloe Vera Gels made from this species, which are certified by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC).
Yes, since phytoestrogens, or isoflavones, should be taken in our diet throughout our lives, which is unfortunately not the case in the European diet, it is advisable to supplement these substances with food supplements as a prevention against menopause. As a preventive measure, it is recommended that women aged 40 and over take 10-20mg of Isoflavones daily.
Aloe Vera and Colostrum. These are products that have the ability to immunomodulate the immune system meaning that where the immune system needs to be strengthened it will strengthen it and where it needs to be suppressed it will suppress it, therefore they are also suitable for autoimmune diseases such as atopic eczema, psoriasis, asthma, crohn’s and others.
Yes there are many studies that have shown a reduction in sugar in diabetics taking Aloe Vera Gel. These studies have also confirmed the empirical experience of the patients.
Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids – they have been shown to have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, on the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and to lower cholesterol levels.
Aloe Vera Gel – detoxifies and even the very delicate capillaries (the thinnest bloodstream) which improves the elimination of toxins from the body. Of course, it also regenerates and has longer effects.